About Me

Me and this Platform

Somehow an ‘About Me’ page didn’t sound like an apt title. Because this platform and my goal for it aren’t just about me.

This is about me helping you help me help you help me.

I created the Sea Bee Dee Daily platform to pay my blessings forward. I’m grateful for the life an online freelancing career has given me. Not that I’m some millionaire who rakes in cash while I sleep.

I’m not. But I have what I’ve always wanted: freedom. And sleep when I want it.

People value different things and freedom and sleep are some of the top gifts I treasure.

The purpose of this platform is for me to give out free content to other freelancers.

But I won’t stop there.

I want to share my gift of being able to motivate people, as well as teach people something I do well: laugh at myself. I want to, in my own little way, uplift anyone struggling with depression, insecurities, and fear.

Flow. We are all connected. What explores the world will soon return.

Where you can find the rest of the Sea Bee Dee Daily platform online:

Want to collaborate?

Do you want to start a career in online freelancing but don’t know where to begin? Are you a seasoned freelancer and you want to connect and collaborate?

Or are you a freelancer, a client, or a human being with an interesting brain and you have something you want to tell me?

You can reach me best via Twitter and Instagram.

~ Bahala na, (How us Filipinos say “Come what may” or “C’est la vie”)
